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6 pack Doe in Estrous BEST BUY! FREE SHIPPING
*Scent will be ready to ship Mid-October when our does come into heat!
6 pack of 2 ounce bottles of individually bottled of pure Doe in Estrous

6 pack Doe in Estrous BEST BUY!

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$ 59.99

FREE SHIPPING *Scent will be ready to ship Mid-October when our does come into heat! 6 pack of 2 ounce bottles of individually bottled of pure Doe in Estrous

Product Detail:

Our Does come into heat around mid-October throughout December.  We sample and test all scent on our Bucks before bottling to ensure the correct hormonal reaction of the opposite sex. you can check this out on our YouTube Channel on how we collect our scent.  Scent is best used on existing or mock scrapes and/or Drag Lines.  Keep refrigerated or frozen. Frozen is a best preservation method for longer time periods